We are proud to work with leading organisations from a range of sectors including Food & Beverage, Fashion Retail, Pharmaceuticals,  Automotive, Building Supplies, Mining, and Electronics .


“I am continually impressed by their team’s exceptional expertise and unwavering dedication. They not only bring a wealth of knowledge and capability to the table but also consistently prioritize our best interests, ensuring we achieve the best possible outcomes.”

Peter Ratcliffe
Head of Technology, R.M. Williams




We think of ComActivity as trusted advisors – they are proactive and knowledgeable, and we rely on them to get the most from our investment, now and into the future.

Dominic Feran
ERP Development Manager, HamiltonJet Global



We are proud of our customers

Simplify the Complexity

It doesn’t have to be so hard –
we can help you do things in a better way.

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