ERP environments are not set-and-forget. You’ll get the most from them when they are proactively monitored, maintained and managed by experts, so your team can get back to your core business.

Quality Managed Services

Our locally-based team of Infor application experts proactively monitor, maintain and manage your Infor CloudSuite environment. Meaning you can get more value from your digital investment.

Local team of Infor Experts

Experienced consultants based in your region


Get back to business

Free your team to drive growth and innovation


Better spend

Get value from your investment


ComActivity Managed Services

Learn about our best-in-class offering


Lucy Watson
Head of Support

Lucy Watson

10+ Years

Lucy Krzewski has built a very strong and highly aligned support team at ComActivity. With outstanding communication skills and team leadership capabilities, Lucy has instilled a culture of personalised customer service, and a sense of ownership for issue resolution within the Managed Services Team

Simplify the Complexity

It doesn’t have to be so hard –
we can help you do things in a better way.

Get in touch

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